
Business Facts

Why Do You Need GOPOS

Business failure rate

No matter what kind of business your are in, you need the right tools to help you succeed Do you know that eight of of ten businesses fail in the first year?

As the big box stores are growing which puts more pressure on other small businesses to work harder to survive, you need some kind of computerization in place to help you manage the business and its growth, GOPOS is definitely the ideal system you cannot do without!

 This system will put you in the same leage as the Multi National at the fraction of the cost and never need to buy any updates as they are free of charger from the day go.


Business must grow in a prosper way in order to survive in today’s highly competitive market place. Detailed report of your business is very critical for managing you business and its growth. Our system provides you with accurate data to help you direct the growth of your business and manage it better

Inventory control

Management is very critical part of any business. A large over head of inventory make business cash poor, but well managed can help you grow faster and leave extra cash in the bank for growth. It also lets you see what is moving & what rate , item that are not moving than can be put on sale to recover the cash to buy other items for growth.

 Customer service

Good customer are an asset to any business and its success.A proper business system will help you manage,track these customers and clarifies what type of goods they are buying.this willhelp you in marketing,promotion & merchanding directing these coutomers.they will feel better as you can give them more personalized  service.

Speed at the checkout is very important as the customer feel good that they can be looked after in profeinsal manner.

Time Management

Managing any Business takes considerable time and effort.You need all your informationat your finger tips that can be accessed any time from office or while you are away from the office so that you know what is happeing while you are away.

Feeling the pulse of the business make you much smarter as to how to steer you business in the right direction of sucess.
